Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Hi everyone! At last, Jaclyn and I have a little time on our hands, so we have decided that we are going to do a rush of blog posts, at least one every other day for the next 6 days, PROMISE! We will update 1st Christmas among other things.
BUT, today is Lilly's 9 month birthday (man, where does the time go?), and she has finally learned to crawl, albeit in a half army crawl/half sitting manner. Enjoy this video (sorry it's sideways, we haven't upgraded to new software to be able to rotate the video yet.)


Stephanie Sabbe said...

yaaay Lilly! That's awesome

Hope you guys had a Merry Christmas!

Mary said...

You guys have got to come up here now so that our little movers can wreak double the havoc on my house!

amy p said...

i cant believe she's crawling!! she's just the cutest. i've seen lots of kids do that army crawl one leg up deal. so funny. looking forward to the daily blogs. :)