Saturday, March 28, 2009

Calm before the Storm...

This is Blake. Well, tonight is our last night as a 2 person family. The coming of Lilly, while seemingly always in the future, is looming near. There is a very strange mix of excitement, fear, anxiety, peace and anticipation all for this little one. Our extended families have arrived, we are packing our bags (the typical procrastinators), and I am going to try to load the car tonight in order to be at the hospital at 5:30am. We cherish any and all prayers sent our way for a very uneventful and smooth surgery and recovery of both mom and baby.

Here is one last pregnancy picture of Jaclyn and her sister Tara, and as of now, the baby should be out in approx. 9 hours!!

1 comment:

Sara W said...

I was hoping for April 3rd!! Haha. But March 29th will do. I'm so happy for you guys! Hope everything goes well! Can't wait to meet Lilly! =)