Monday, June 8, 2009

This is crazy~

DISCLAIMER- This is not an attempt for pity comments :) Merely and observation that I find funny... I am just jealous that Blake is funnier!

It is disturbing to me that Blake's post about me not kissing him got more comments than the fact that Lilly turned 2 months and I graduated from medical school.... I mean really. I suppose this is similar to that saying in order to have a friend you have to be a friend. So I suppose in order to have comments you have to comment on others. Oh well... I guess I will begin commenting because I so enjoy when others comment. Really?!?!?! only 2 comments for graduation?!?!?

Just kidding. To set the record straight, what Blake did not tell you, he was trying to kiss me in a rocking chair and I was seriously convinced I was going to end up on the concrete with a busted head... hence the hesitation to feel overly romantic!


Anonymous said...

I will admit, I didn't comment on the things you mentioned...BUT, you know they are huge accomplishments! You truly have come a long way in the few short years we have known each other. I guess getting married, having a baby, and becoming a Doctor sure beats the old days of being my roommate!

MLS said...

I love your relationship. You two are so hilarious...and a great team.
Congratulations on graduating....missing you already! Glad to have your blog so we can keep in touch!

Byerly said...

It seems like just yesterday y'all were college kids:o) Where has the time gone? I love "seeing" y'all here! Lilly is beautiful.

Jenny said...

Jaclyn, I just want you to know I'm out there. reading your blog! I love it! I also love getting comments, but I don't give them out. Here's to turning over a new leaf.

Lilly is adorable. I hope she gets to meet Anna sometime. You, Mary, and I should honestly plan a trip sometime. I hear doctors have tons of spare time :o)

Stephanie Sabbe said...

your all's blog is seriously one of my favorites now. you both are equally funny. I wish I were a better commenter too, but I'm lazy. I read and click. congrats on graduation!!

Mary said...

Blake may or may not be funnier, but he's just about as funny as me, which is zero. ;) Love you, Blake...even though you'll never be as funny as Tim Hughes (or anyone from CabCo for that matter).

Sara W said...

lol!! you always crack me up.