Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lilly has a belly button and her first Easter all in the same week.

Well Saturday morning was the day! Lilly had been hanging on to her cord for two weeks, and though it looked like it was getting close to falling off, it was still attached as of the first feeding. When I woke up to feed her the second time that morning, I picked her up and did a double take. What was that black thing in the bed? A Bug? Blood? what in the world. Then it hit me. I jerked up her gown and there it was... her little belly button. She was not as excited about this as I was. I took a picture of the cord in her basket, and took a picture of her new button!
The cord in the basket... sorry for those with a weak stomach, but this is monumental!

I then proceeded to sing... you get to take a big girl bath for easter... you get to take a big girl bath for easter. She was thrilled as you may imagine. I would be too if I got to take my first bath in the whale tub.
She actually liked this much more than it appears! Note the new button!

She actually survived the bath and lived to tell about it. Thanks for the beautiful towel malinda!Whew.. now I am ok!
The night before easter she abandoned her previously great sleeping patterns of approx 3 hours at a time for a 1/5-2 hour stretch between waking... which meant that I slept in 1 hour intervals more or less. needless to say we did not make it to the sunrise service. This prompted the "Dress how we act movement" observed below.

This is also comical because those of you who were around in August through December know that this is how I referred to my sweet little girl. Not something I am proud of, but sometimes, I hate to say, she lives up to it! Also. this is how she sleeps when she is not swaddled. How funny?

We did however go to the early service and she wore a great little smocked easter dress that Mrs. Finnern, my friend Kathryn's mom, got for her on our girl's trip to New Orleans. Enjoy the pics.
My first easter dress! I love the smocking!

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